Development of Software Complex of Virtual Community Life Cycle Organization

Olha Trach, Solomia Fedushko


This paper presents development of software complex of virtual community life cycle organization. The investigations stages and directions of virtual community life cycle, introduction of indicators of tasks directions of virtual community life cycle organization, determination of criticality of indicators of virtual community life cycle organization,  definition of socially-oriented risk of virtual community life cycle are enabled to develop a software complex of virtual community life cycle organization. Software complex of virtual community life cycle organizationconsists of three levels: management level, level of performance, level of databases and information resources. The software tool «Virtual community life cycle organization», which is an important and actual task, because is the basis for improving the efficiency of create virtual community and improving the functioning throughout its existence, the attainment of the objectives and the development of virtual communities based on software complex of virtual community life cycle organization are developed in this studies.


Virtual community, lifecycle, directions, indicator, manager, software tool

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